Coconut juice – like fresh off the palm tree:
100% Organic, 100% Juice, 100% King Coconut
Dr. Antonio Martins – leader of the organic coconut juice category – will offer raw coconut juice for the first time in June 2018, at the peak of the beverage season. The juice will be preserved through an HPP process.
The PET vial measures 240 ml and is filled with 100% coconut juice from the young King Coconut. This type of coconut has a yellow-orange colour, and grows only in Sri Lanka. It is a particularly tasty coconut for juices, since it does not form pulp and is therefore completely filled with coconut juice. Dr. Antonio Martins ensures that the coconuts are harvested by small-scale farmers on certified organic plantations in Sri Lanka, and that the juice is ready for transport to Europe within 24 hours. Juice lovers can look forward to enjoying exceptional quality. For: The mineral and nutrient-rich juice is offered for the first time as a raw food – thanks to the HPP process, and is completely unpasteurised. HPP stands for High Pressure Processing, which defines an innovative process of juice preservation that works without any heating and has no effect on vitamin, nutrient content, taste and texture.

Stefan Reiß – CEO of the Green Coco Europe GmbH – tests the quality of the King Coconut in Sri Lanka. He engages regularly in direct conversations with the small-scale organic farms, with whom he maintains intensive and sustainable cooperation.
The gentle high-pressure process allows Antonio Martins to bring the least processed juice to refrigerated shelves.
100% organic 100% juice – almost like it’s fresh off the palm tree, and available for €2.29 as of June 1, 2018. This vegan innovation can stay fresh for 60 days, if unopened and kept cooled, at 5 degrees or under.
In Germany the HPP process is implemented in Geretsried, Bavaria.
We are pleased to have found in the Bagusat GmbH & Co KG a reliable partner with many decades of juice preservation experience for the implementation of the HPP process, Stefan Reiß explains, CEO of the company Green Coco Europe GmbH in Nuremberg.
Green Coco Europe GmbH was the first company to bring organic quality coconut juice to Europe, and together with Dr. Antonio Martins and aqua verde, has been the category leader for European organic coconut juice and organic coconut water for the past 15 years.